Daniel Romero
Electrical Engineering Resume


Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) Sensor

A microcontroller-based environmental sensor using a PIC18F4321 to measure temperature, humidity, solar radiation, and wind speed to measure heat stress. Device applications include determining water breaks and emergency preparations for school outdoor sports events and activities.

WBGT Circuit WBGT Wiring Diagram Function Snippet

FPGA Pong Game

A Verilog-based Pong game running on an Nexus A-7 FPGA board with VGA output and user input from push buttons. Hardware Description Language used was Vivado.

Sync Generator Code FPGA Board More Code

Mini-Chopper Motorcycle Build

A collaborative build project with the Cal Poly Pomona Motorcycle Club featuring a custom frame, motor, triple-tree clamp, handlebars, seat, battery integration and many other parts designed and implemented from scratch.

Chopper Frame Assembled Motorcycle Working

Neural Network: micrograd

A small neural network library deisgned to help understand back propagation - the algorithm that powers neural networks in deep learning architecture design.

Code Line Integration More Code